Since time immemorial Man and Horse have been close
companions serving one and other in times of war and peace. Rajputana is known
as the land of Princes and Warriors, who fought legendary battles with their
Risalas (Cavalry). It was with the help of these Risalas that they reached the
boundless boundaries of prestige and honour. Those were the days when sunset
marked the end of the day and horsemen dismounted to set up camp.
The fort of Badalgarh was originally known as Faizalgarh
as it was constructed by Kayamkhani ruler Nawab Faizal Khan in the beginning of
the 16th century. Later the Shekhawat ruler Maharao Shardul Singhji took over
the fort when he captured Jhunjhunu. Since then the Fort remained in the family
of Panchpana under Dundlod in the ownership of Late Thakur Rawal Harnath
Singhji Bahadur until 1947. Under the Jagirdari resumption act. the fort was
handed over to the Birla’s, a prominent business family of Shekhawati.
In the year 2000 the fort was reacquired by Francesca
Kelly and Kr.Raghuvendra Singh Dundlod. The fort is situated on a portion of
Nehra hill top, measuring approximately 9000 sq. yards. within in the four
walls of the fort and open area around the fort measuring approximately 5000
sq.yards. The fort has approach road from the Churu – Rajgarh bypass as well as
a stone cobbled road from the main market of Jhunjhunu up to the fort entrance.
In the premises of the fort there are two temples of Ma
Durga and Lord Hanuman. Water tanks and underground area exist next to the
constructed rooms in the fort. A statue of Maharao Shardul Singhji has been
erected in the fort.